Minneola Tangelos From Peru

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Westlake Weekly Update 7.15.20


Featured Item: Minneola Tangelos From Peru


These are quite possibly the best of the best in the citrus spectrum this summer. The Minneola Tangelos are a unique hybrid, or what I like to imagine “coupling,” of white grapefruit and a tangerine. Roughly the size of a small fist with a pronounced neck, they are easy to spot in the produce aisle. Westlake has these easy peeling, light to medium orange-colored fruits just in from our growers in Peru. 

The Minneola Tangelos are sometimes called “honeybells” maybe because of their interesting shape, similar to a bell at the stem. No doubt the “honey” name comes from the sweetness of the fruit. It’s remarkable that something so sweet can also be incredibly good for you. We normally equate sweet foods with unhealthy eating. That’s not the case with the Minneola Tangelos. They are just 47 calories and have large amounts of vitamin C, folate, calcium, and potassium. Just think, you can get your sweet tooth satisfied while adding much-needed vitamins to your body!

As with all easy peeling citrus, they are perfect for snacking between zoom meetings or on the go! They have virtually no seeds and tend to be a juicier variety of fruit. That means they are an excellent choice for buying in bulk and juicing at home. Not only do they have less pulp than other citrus, but their naturally flavorful juices are also the right combination of sweet and tangy. The taste is different than the usual orange juice you’re currently serving, it’s guaranteed to make you and your family take note. This variety of tangelo can also be easily swapped in for any recipes that list oranges, tangerines, or grapefruit in the ingredients. They look gorgeous added to salads, chicken, or cocktails (that got your attention!).

Additionally, these are beautiful fruits with a color reminiscent of a tropical sunset. They are a favorite for gift giving and fruit baskets. If you’re missing someone right and looking for a way to show them you care, try leaving a bag or basket of minneola tangelos, with a sweet note at their door. You can feel good about reminding that special person you’re still there while leaving something sweet, delicious, and good for them! These happy citrus are sure to put a smile on anyone’s face!

Our Peruvian Minneolas are featured this week.   They are packed by La Calera in Peru under the Gold Cup brand.   We will have promotable volume for the next 8 weeks!   


Besides Minneola Tangelos, we have offshore bagged mandarins from Chile and Peru.  They continue to move well.   The fruit is arriving with very good flavor, and the bags are showing good demand from the retailer sector.  We expect the clementine variety in bags will see us through another 10 days.  After this, we will be switching to Peru W.Murcott mandarins.  We feel Chile will gap slightly on mandarins as they switch from clementines to murcotts.     


Peruvian Bulk Mandarins and Tangelos started arriving last week! Demand currently exceeds supply on these two varieties.   The W.Murcott mandarins have been received with very good quality.   Minneola Tangelos are also arriving with fabulous flavor and full of juice! The volume of these two items will ramp up by the end of the week.  We will have promotable volume on these Peruvian varieties going forward. Please call for ad pricing!

Daisy Tangerines from our Australian growers are showing very nice quality.  The fruit is looking excellent in color and clean.  Currently, the fruit’s demand is exceeding supply available.   We expect supply from Australia on this variety will continue moderately at best, but please call us for availability!

California navel oranges are on final floor counts this week and will be completely done by the end of the week.   The Chilean navels and Australian navels just started to arrive last week.   Supply will begin to ramp up this week with good availability going forward.   

California Valencia oranges remain available.   Demand is very strong on this variety as the fruit eats very sweet and full of juice.    USDA programs continue to take a good supply of fruit in bags.  The fruit continues to be excellent quality, but we will start to see some re-greened fruit as we continue with the hot summer weather.    

Lemons are moving extremely well during this time.   The warm summer temperatures are bringing on more demand from the entire country. Our Chilean lemons are making their way into the US.   This will help us keep up with demand. 

California Grapefruit is moving extremely well!   We are finishing up with Stars this week and moving into the Summer Marsh (Pink) grapefruit.    The marsh variety will see us through the summer and likely finish up in September.  Grapefruit will peak in the middle to small sizes.    The supply of Xlarge grapefruit will be limited.   


Latin Items:


Our growers in Santa Maria will be harvesting hot peppers within the next few weeks, and Oxnard will follow shortly after.











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