Honeycrisp Apple and Pom Wonderful Salad

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Honeycrisp Apple and Pom Wonderful Salad

Prep: 20 mins

Cook: 5 mins

Serving: makes 6 servings


Candied pecans

1 bunch of fresh baby spinach

2 Honeycrisp apples, thinly sliced

¾ cup of Pom Wonderful arils

¼ cup of feta cheese



¼ cup of extra virgin olive oil

2 tbs balsamic vinegar

2 tbs pure maple syrup

1 tsp dijon mustard

Salt and pepper to taste



Whisk vinaigrette ingredients together in a bowl or mason jar and set aside to meld.  

Wash and dry spinach and place on a platter or shallow bowl.  When ready to serve, arrange Honeycrisp apples on spinach.  Sprinkle pomegranate arils alongside apples.  Top with candied pecans and crumbled feta cheese.  Lastly, drizzle vinaigrette over salad.  Sprinkle a little fresh pepper over the top.  

Notes: Vinaigrette can be made in advance.  I tend to not overdress the salad and place extra dressing on the table.  Alternatively, you can toss the spinach with the vinaigrette before arranging salad.  



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