Our Story
Here at Westlake Produce, we pride ourselves on having the best staff in the industry. Our sales and accounting teams are dedicated to the needs of our customers, shippers, and service providers. Having over 300 years of sales experience on staff, we strive to be a great source of information to our partners in the industry. We have the expertise to develop the next generation of successful members of our trade. When it comes to product availability, seasonal programs or just plain commodity information, our team is ready to assist you in accomplishing your sales goals.
Founded in 1962 by Joe Sims and Bill Brooks, Sr. as distributors of potatoes, onions, and melons, Brooks & Sims was originally located in the L.A. Terminal Produce Building above the Seventh Street Market. Joe and Bill Sr. brought their sons into the business in the 1970s, and by 1982, Bill Brooks Jr. was part of the management/ownership team. The company eventually expanded with offices in both Los Angles and Newport Beach. Throughout its nearly 40 years in existence, Brooks & Sims evolved and adapted to overcome numerous challenges that confront most produce companies: extreme weather conditions, economic boom/bust, customer consolidation, commodity embargos, and key personnel changes. At the close of the 1990s, the consolidation that had swept through the produce industry at the retail level prompted Brooks & Sims to seek out and consummate a merger of their operations with Westlake Miller in 2001 in order to broaden their commodity offerings to a contracting customer base. Paying homage to their collective traditions, the new company originally operated under the name Westlake-Miller / Brooks & Sims. Over time, the desire to shorten the name won out and Westlake Produce Company was born.
Westlake-Miller founded in 1964 by Ed Miller Sr. as distributors of citrus from all growing. The company was originally located in downtown Los Angeles across from the wholesale markets. Over the years, the firm grew, and moved to a bigger location as Ed brought his three sons into the business. A defining time in the company’s 30 years of operation was a six year period in the 1980s when it survived three Florida freezes. That led the firm to diversify into Texas citrus and other non-citrus commodities. Ed Miller Co. was also one of the first U.S. firms to export Florida grapefruit to Japan in the late 70’s. In 1997, Jeff Miller acquired the company from his father and he and his brothers, Steve and Ed Jr., merged its operations with Westlake Distributors in order to diversify and solidify their long-term position within the Southern California produce marketplace.
Founded in 1977 by Harvey Sherman and Ernie Colton, Westlake Distributors, Inc. thrived in the Los Angeles marketplace selling melons, citrus, grapes, and vegetables to a growing retail customer base. In the early 1990s, Dale Liefer assumed majority ownership and helped cement the firm’s position in the Southern California landscape. Soon the company added field inspection and logistics support, and sought out strategic business combinations to strengthen relationships with their industry partners, including both their customers and their suppliers.
Jeff Miller acquired the company from his father. Together with his brothers, Steve and Ed Jr., they merged its operations with Westlake Distributors to diversify and strengthen their position in the Southern California produce market.
Westlake-Miller merged with Brooks and Sims, expanding into categories like potatoes, onions, rice, and dry beans. This merger brought Joe Ciccarella and Shawn Patrick into the Westlake team, and the company operated as Westlake-Miller, Brooks and Sims for several years.
Under the new ownership of Andrew Bivens, Shawn Patrick, and Peter O’Brien, Westlake Produce embarked on an exciting new chapter. The launch of the iconic Westlake “W” marked a fresh brand identity, symbolizing growth, innovation, and a commitment to excellence.
The company expanded its reach nationwide, establishing new offices and facilities in Texas, Florida, and New Jersey, strengthening its position as a leader in the produce industry.
We commit to come into work every day and Lead by Example. We will do our very best to Communicate thoroughly and professionally. We will Listen to our fellow co-workers, customers, growers and service providers, Process what they are trying to communicate to us and make an asserted effort to Act on what their needs are. We will Embrace Change and Follow Through with whatever is asked of us and what we commit ourselves to, while always attempting to Exceed Expectations. We will Stay True to Who We Are because the contribution of our specific abilities is needed for the success of our company. We will Treat Our Industry as Family, knowing that it takes all of us to achieve our common goals. We will always keep in mind that we work for a great company and we will Keep an Attitude of Gratitude. We will keep this pledge always, while representing Westlake and Have Fun while we do it.